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WILKES-BARRE, PA -- Geisinger Health System will present an educational seminar on skin care for aging women, Thursday, Oct. 22, 6 - 7:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn East Mountain, 600 Wildflower Drive.

Christine Cabell, M.D., dermatology, Lisa Jacob, M.D., plastic surgery and Stacie Weil, M.D., NCMP, obstetrics and gynecology, will discuss how skin changes as women age and ways they can protect and enhance it.

Geisinger Health System recently opened a Healthy Aging Clinic to provide specialized care for women between the ages of 40 and 60 as their body transitions through the normal aging process.

The event is free, but registration is required, as seating is limited. For more information on the healthy aging lecture series, call 570-271-6398.
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