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DUNMORE -- Penn State Worthington Scranton has partnered with Geisinger Health System to provide its registered nurses with online courses that will allow them to attain their bachelor of science degree in nursing (BSN).

All courses for the program will be delivered and completed online and can be completed in as little as 18 months.

The partnership was created in response to an Institute of Medicine report which recommended that 80 percent of registered nurses in the United States be “baccalaureate prepared” by 2020.

Interested nurses currently employed at Geisinger will apply individually through Penn State Worthington Scranton.

“Helping our employees obtain BSN degrees is an important mission of Geisinger Health System,” says Terri Bickert, DNP, RN, NE-BC, vice president of nursing, system education, research and Magnet, Geisinger Health System.

“Penn State Worthington Scranton is very excited about this program and we are proud to partner with Geisinger to offer working registered nurses the opportunity to obtain their bachelor of science in nursing in a flexible, online environment at an affordable cost,” said PSWS Assistant Chief Academic Officer and Instructor in Nursing Michael Evans. “This program will prepare nurses to be leaders and change agents in the nursing profession.”

“We have identified Penn State Worthington Scranton as a partner that will offer our nurses a quality education with flexibility and very strong student support services. This partnership will help us reach our goal toward Magnet status from the American Nurses Credentialing Center at each of our hospitals,” says Bickert.
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