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Sireesha Vemuri-Reddy, M.D., recently joined Geisinger Mountain Top, 35 S. Mountain Blvd., in a dual role as both a family medicine physician and associate program director for Geisinger’s Kistler Family Medicine Residency Program.

As a family medicine doctor, Dr. Vemuri-Reddy cares for patients of all ages at Geisinger Mountain Top with a focus on preventive care and wellness, routine physicals, chronic disease management and acute illnesses. Additionally, Dr. Vemuri-Reddy holds special interests in geriatrics, women’s health, pediatric immunization, quality initiatives and the medical home model of practice.

In her work with the residency program, Dr. Vemuri-Reddy will guide new family medicine physicians during the residency portion of their medical training.

Most recently, Dr. Vemuri-Reddy served as medical director and a faculty member for Sacred Heart Family Medicine Residency Program, Allentown, Pa.

Board certified in family medicine, Dr. Vemuri-Reddy earned her medical degree from the College of Medical Sciences, Chitwan, Nepal, in 2004. She completed a residency in family medicine at Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown, in 2009.

Dr. Vemuri-Reddy is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, American Medical Association and Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.

Multi-lingual, Dr. Vemuri-Reddy is fluent in English, Hindi, Nepali and Telugu. She is also familiar with Spanish.

Dr. Vemuri-Reddy is welcoming new patients. To schedule an appointment at Geisinger Mountain Top, please call 570-474-5978 or visit Geisinger online at
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