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‘From the Clinic to the Classroom’ program set for Feb. 26 at the University of Scranton


SCRANTON, PA -- Geisinger’s Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute (ADMI) will team up with the University of Scranton’s Panuska College of Professional Studies and Friendship House to offer a free program to help teachers work more effectively with students with special needs.

“From the Clinic to the Classroom: Behavioral Strategies & Social Skills to Support Students with Special Needs,” will take place on Friday, Feb. 26, from 9 a.m. to noon. It will take place in Edward R. Leahy Jr. Hall at the University of Scranton, 237 Jefferson Ave., Scranton.

The program will feature presentations by two ADMI staff members. Barbara Haas-Givler, M.Ed., BCBA, director of education & behavioral outreach, will present “Setting the Stage for Success: Effective Behavioral Strategies for Students with Special Needs.” Cora Taylor, Ph.D., a pediatric psychologist, will present “Fostering Social Skills Development in Children with Disabilities.”

While the program is free, registration is required at Questions may be directed to, or by calling 570-522-6281.

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