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DANVILLE, PA -- Geisinger Health System’s Medication Therapy Disease Management (MTDM) Program, has been named the recipient of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacist’s (ASHP) Award of Excellence. The award was established in 2005 to honor a contribution or achievement that has advanced the ability of hospital and health system pharmacists to serve the needs of their patients.

Geisinger’s MTDM program ensures safe and effective treatments for patients with chronic diseases, chronic pain or who require anticoagulation treatment. Under the direction of Michael Evans, R.Ph., associate vice president of strategy and innovation, Geisinger Enterprise Pharmacy, the program has grown from two pharmacists in 1996 to 52 pharmacists in 47 locations throughout the health system.

MTDM clinical pharmacists work closely with patients and their physicians to tailor medication regimens to the patient’s needs. They not only help to manage and reduce the potential for complications and drug interactions, but also the amount of opioids prescribed. Studies have shown that by educating patients about their medications, they are empowered to be more involved in their healthcare, which results in reaching their treatment goals more easily.

“We are honored to receive the Award of Excellence, one of the highest awards from ASHP, as recognition of the success we’ve had with the MTDM program,” said John Jones, R.Ph, vice president, Geisinger Enterprise Pharmacy. “Nearly 102,000 patients have benefited from this service which has significantly decreased the cost of care for patients, decreased the amount of addictive opioids prescribed by Geisinger physicians, and improved the overall patient experience.”

The award will be presented to pharmacy representatives at the ASHP Summer Meeting, June 11-15, in Baltimore.
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