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AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center also earns a Partnership for Patients Premier Award

DANVILLE, Pa. –  Premier Inc., a leading healthcare improvement company, recently presented the Culinary Cup Award to Matt Cervay, executive chef of the Geisinger Corporate Foodservice Team, for winning the recipe competition at its Annual Breakthroughs Conference and Exhibition.

Hospital chefs and food service workers across Premier’s networks submit themed recipes in the months leading up to the conference, with four finalists being selected to compete for the Culinary Cup Award.

This year’s competition theme was on-trend bowls. Cervay won for his Santa Fe Breakfast Bowl.

“I wanted to keep things fresh, flavorful and bright,” Cervay said of his winning dish.

He built upon his Santa Fe breakfast bowl’s farro base with black beans and fresh vegetables, with a fried egg on top. He also added cumin-seasoned pico de gallo and salsa verde, with avocado and sprinkled queso fresco. At just $1.68 a serving, the recipe is a cost effective option.

“I wanted to introduce it with a breakfast twist,” he said.

He was presented the award as Premier recognized more than 160 hospitals, health systems and suppliers recently for their outstanding work to improve healthcare quality and costs at its Breakthroughs Conference and Exhibition June 27-30 in Washington, D.C.

AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Mainland Campus, in Atlantic City, N.J. – a member of the Geisinger Health System – also received the Partnership for Patients/Premier Hospital Engagement Network 2.0 Award at the conference. The hospital earned the award for reducing preventable hospital-acquired conditions and readmissions, as part of their participation during the federal Partnership for Patients Hospital Engagement Network 2.0 initiative.

For media inquiries :

Joseph Stender
Senior Marketing Strategist

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