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Public may call 800-739-6882 or visit to schedule drop-off

DANVILLE, Pa. – When their business stalled due to the coronavirus, Tim Clark, vice president of operations at Zartman Construction, Northumberland, saw an opportunity to give back. The construction company decided to give several cases of N95 masks — normally used for demolition work — to Geisinger.

“The reality of the situation is we are pretty much at a standstill, can’t use them, and Geisinger needs them,” Clark said. “We like to think we are a good partner in the community and Geisinger is an important partner to us. This is something we could do in return.”

Geisinger is currently well-positioned to address the challenges of the shortage of supplies, but the health system welcomes and very much appreciates donations from anyone who would like to help protect their friends and neighbors during this unprecedented time.

Our wish-list items include: 

  • N95 or dust masks
  • Nitrile or latex gloves
  • Electric construction heaters for our outdoor screening tents 

We ask that groups and individuals please do not make donations directly to the hospital locations but instead call to set up your donation. To donate supplies or to make a monetary donation, call 800-739-6882 or visit

As always, blood donations are encouraged and are safe for donors. If you are feeling well and would like to make a blood donation, visit or contact Kathryn Rowinski at (570) 449-5586 or

About Geisinger
Geisinger is among the nation’s leading providers of value-based care, serving 1.2 million people in urban and rural communities across Pennsylvania. Founded in 1915 by philanthropist Abigail Geisinger, the non-profit system generates $10 billion in annual revenues across 134 care sites - including 10 hospital campuses, and Geisinger Health Plan, with 600,000 members in commercial and government plans. The Geisinger College of Health Sciences educates more than 5,000 medical professionals annually and conducts more than 1,400 clinical research studies. With 26,000 employees, including 1,600 employed physicians, Geisinger is among Pennsylvania’s largest employers with an estimated economic impact of $14 billion to the state’s economy. On March 31, 2024, Geisinger became the first member of Risant Health, a new nonprofit charitable organization created to expand and accelerate value-based care across the country.  Learn more at or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X.

Image of Geisinger's COVID-19 donation website.

Media inquires:

Mike McMullen
Communication Specialist


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