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Geisinger News Releases

Results 461-470 of 1461
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Geisinger researchers find genomic screening can identify risk for amyloid cardiomyopathy

Study shows evidence of underdiagnosed amyloidosis

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Geisinger lung cancer screening program promotes early detection

Low-dose CT scan quick, easy, painless

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Geisinger recognized by two organizations for dedication to employing military veterans and service members

Health system named Military Friendly Employer and Best for Vets: Employer


Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center begins construction on Medical Office Building

New facility makes room for program expansion, more specialty appointments

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Geisinger develops intake process to provide inclusive care to all patients, including LGBTQ+ individuals

Process integrates data on sexual orientation, gender identity into electronic health record

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Geisinger introduces military fellowship program

Program provides opportunity for military service members transitioning to civilian careers

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More healthcare coverage options and savings available to Pennsylvanians through Pennie for 2022

Pennie’s open enrollment period runs through Jan. 15

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