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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“We were still mourning our loss,” recalled Kelly Medici. After Spina Bifida took their first child at birth, Kelly and her husband were surprised two months later by a new pregnancy. “Shock, pain, fear, nervousness, excitement – we were feeling it all.” At her 18-week checkup, Kelly heard the news she had been fearing: her unborn daughter had Spina Bifida too. Dr. Arthur Maslow was a source of comfort to the couple and helped them develop a plan. “He put the ultrasound wand down, turned his chair to me, and said, ‘This is going to be okay.’” Baby Bella was born December 26, 2012, and underwent surgery to correct a small legion on her spine. “She started walking at 19 months and hasn’t stopped since. It’s beautiful, so beautiful,” said Kelly.  “And we’re so thankful.” #GeisingerStories 
Kelly Medici and her baby
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