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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“No one talks about the struggles you have when you are trying to start a family. We were so eager to have kids,” says Yshonda Frey, of Berwick. “It was a lot of work that made having a baby not fun.” She and her husband, Donald, tried unsuccessfully for three years to get pregnant when they decided to see infertility specialist Dr. Willie Zoma, who guided the couple through in vitro fertilization, also known as IVF. After two attempts, Yshonda became pregnant, but only to suffer a miscarriage. “Dr. Zoma cried with us. The pain was bittersweet because at least I knew I could get pregnant.” The couple took a break for a few months before they rallied and decided to go back to see Dr. Zoma. “Before you knew it, I received a call saying I was pregnant.” During that pregnancy, minor complications led to an emergency room visit and to the delight of the soon-to-be-parents, they learned BOTH babies were fine. Yes, twins. Aiden and Adeline are now happy and healthy 10-month-olds. “We let them know every day they are special babies. They are a miracle in my eyes. Our experience with Geisinger was the best.” #GeisingerStories
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