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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

"Finding out I had Lynch Syndrome was overwhelming and devastating at first," says Cassandra Pisieczko about learning she had an increased risk for colon and multiple other types of cancers.  "But thanks to the great genetic counseling team here, I've come to see we're living in an amazing time when we have the power to prevent this from happening." Cassandra already overcame a bout with uterine cancer and sought further genetic testing based on the advice of her Geisinger care team. Cassandra’s counselors helped her strategize a prevention plan and even advised her on how to talk with family members about the inherited condition. Today, she’s pursuing a career in genetic counseling while learning firsthand how to practice preventive care. "There are so many advances happening in genetic medicine.  To be here at a health system  that prioritizes preventive medicine for patients like me, and to learn from them as well, is an incredible experience." #GeisingerStories
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