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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

"I came from a family of cancer. And because of this mutation, I can get it again," says 26-year-old Carla Muniz, who is battling stage II breast cancer. Genetic counselor Heather Rocha helps Carla keep her spirits up as she copes with Li-Fraumeni, an inherited genetic disorder that increases her chances of developing multiples types of cancer. “Every day I choose hope over fear, but it's nerve-wracking. I'm not going to lie." The Puerto Rico native, who now calls Danville home, discovered a lump in April. After a series of tests - ultrasounds, mammograms, biopsies - doctors confirmed the deadly diagnosis. Following more than a dozen cycles of chemotherapy, she is now discussing preventive surgery with her care team. Still, she remains optimistic and continues her studies in psychology with an interest in patient advocacy based on her own experiences. “I am very comfortable with my doctors and I know they are doing everything they can. You must be very positive. Attitude is the best medicine. If my story can help someone, even the tiniest bit, I think I am helping myself, too." #GeisingerStories
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