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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“I have good days and bad days,” says Anita Baldoni, a registered nurse at Geisinger Wyoming Valley who has had five corneal transplants in her lifetime, the first when she was only 11 years old. “My mother lost her vision at age 36, before I was born. She has never been able to see me. I’ve inherited the same condition, Corneal Dystrophy, a hereditary disease causing my corneas to degenerate and wear away. I am hyper aware of how I treat my eyes and I don’t take any day for granted. I became a nurse to give back and make an impact on others’ lives.” This devoted mother of two boys spends much of her time advocating for organ and tissue donation. “As a donor, a person has the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about my donors and their families and how grateful I am for their kindness. Without the generosity of corneal donors, this gift of sight would not be possible for me.” #GeisingerStories
Anita Baldoni
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