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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

Jo Ann Rinaldi loves her daily routine. She takes her grandchildren to school and then heads directly to the YMCA for her morning workout. Two years ago, that routine was disrupted. While enjoying a Zumba class, Jo Ann felt something snap. “I made one move, and I heard something crack,” she said, explaining that she didn’t feel pain right away. That came two days later. And it was excruciating. For six months she was unable to exercise at all, not even the treadmill. She tried getting the pain under control through physical therapy and chiropractic treatments but nothing worked. That is, until she met Dr. Stanley Pugsley. In October 2014, the accomplished neurosurgeon inserted a spacer between two of her vertebrae, relieving pressure on her spine. “I woke up from surgery and the pain was gone.” Mrs. Rinaldi’s regular routine is now back on track. She uses the treadmill, the stationary bike and sometimes she even lifts weights. She’s also gearing up to get back to her beloved Zumba class. “I’m going to try because I really do enjoy it.” #GeisingerStories #GeisingerCaring
Woman in red smiling - Geisinger Community Medical Center
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