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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“You’re not moving at your normal 100 miles per hour,” Maureen Leone’s husband joked. He noticed his active wife hadn’t been doing as much karate, swimming, or dancing as usual. So when Maureen began dragging her right leg, her husband insisted they go to the hospital. Tests at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center revealed a daunting diagnosis: a baseball-sized brain tumor. “You are going to be just fine,” Maureen’s neurosurgeon, Dr. Michel Lacroix, assured her. A successful surgery removed her brain tumor. But further testing revealed more shocking news, a spot on Maureen’s lung. She was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of lung cancer. Maureen felt comforted through her whole experience, saying: “Dr. Lacroix was so cool, calm and collected. I knew I was in good hands at Geisinger and that I would be okay.” Nearly two years later, Maureen is back to her active lifestyle and credits the Geisinger team for her full recovery. “I can’t thank Dr. Lacroix and the team at Geisinger enough,” she says. “Their confidence helped me know I would do well.” #GeisingerStories
Maureen Leone
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