After nine long years of back and forth to Cleveland, Bob can access care only 20 minutes from home
“The quality of my life has changed tremendously. Thank God they’re here,” says Bob Fitzsimmons of Forest City. Bob is the very first patient to undergo treatment in GCMC’s new gastrointestinal suite. “I’ve had Barrett’s esophagus for 10 years. At first I had trouble swallowing, but then it started to choke me. I would fly or be driven to Cleveland every six weeks for screening procedures,” explains Bob. After nine long years of back and forth from Scranton to Cleveland or Philadelphia, Bob felt relieved when his doctor referred him to Charles Grad, MD, who is able to perform the screening procedure closer to home at Scranton’s GCMC. “It’s my fourth time coming to Geisinger. The people here are fantastic and I feel more comfortable here. It’s spacious, bright and wide-open. This is ideal for me—20 minutes and I’m here. Time-wise and financially, it’s terrific. Overall, it’s been a great experience. I feel ecstatic.” #GeisingerStories
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