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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

"My 9-year-old stepson was very hesitant about Camp Courage when I told him about it. This would be the first weekend away from us since his mother's death," says Kristen Rogers, who nevertheless decided to learn more about the free bereavement summer camp for kids ages 7 through 18. The Millville retreat helps young people deal with death and express their feelings in fun and meaningful ways, like balloon releases with children's messages to Heaven, a rose ceremony, sing-alongs, speakers and story-sharing. "I was elated to see how much fun my stepson had, and how he learned he wasn't alone in the grief process. He brought home a beautiful memory box for his mom that is still on his dresser and a handmade quilt that is a comfort to him when he's upset. I hope this program is able to continue to give other families as much understanding as it has mine." #GeisingerStories
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