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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

"You can't lift things, you can't grip things, and my whole hand is swollen," says  Deborah Tuttle of Towanda. The removal of lymph nodes as part of her breast cancer treatment resulted in the side effect of lymphedema; a condition in which fluid collection causes swelling in the arms, legs and hands. Like Deborah, nearly 20% of breast cancer patients develop this life-altering disease months or even years after surgery. "Lymphedema is a forever disease. There is no medication, no surgery and no cure...yet," says Nicole Purcell, certified lymphedema and physical therapist. "Our treatments are the gold standard in managing this condition." With dedication and time, patients can manage their symptoms and live a normal life. "I love my patients, they're so motivated. I like being able to influence their daily living in a positive way, whether it's getting back to work or holding their grandchildren." #GeisingerStories
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