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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

By Paula Franken

Keeping your brain active and engaged is important at any age — and as we get older, it might become even more important.

Read a book, play a game, learn a new skill, find a new hobby, take a class, work or volunteer. When you stimulate and challenge your brain, you’re making it healthier. In fact, observational studies suggest that activities like these may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s-related cognitive impairment and dementia.

Two women creating floral wreaths in a crafting class.

Plus, they’re a whole lot of fun!

At Geisinger 65 Forward health centers, program coordinators create activities that are good for the body and the brain — including game days and arts and crafts classes that also offer plenty of opportunities to make new friends.

So find a 65 Forward location near you and see what’s on the docket:

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Brain facts icon-The older adult brain.
As you age, your brain gets a little smaller (along with the rest of your body). But it can still learn new skills and improve old ones.
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