A message from our CEO
Celebrate changes for better health
The air is crisp and cooling. Leaves are becoming brilliant. Bonfires are crackling. After a hot, dry summer, fall is finally here.
Kick the season off with this fun fact: There are more bacteria cells in your body than human cells. And that’s a good thing. In this edition of PA Health, we’re looking at the gut microbiome and its effect on you. Plus, we share a savory recipe that will help keep your good bacteria in balance.
You’ll also meet a woman whose overactive bladder controlled her life for years — until a simple but effective procedure gave her a new sense of freedom.
Of course, not every health condition is quite that serious. When you have something like a nagging cough or twisted ankle, do you know where to go? The ER isn’t always the answer, so we’ve included some tips that will steer you to the proper place.
Staying healthy can even be fun. Check out Geisinger’s new project, Zing, which makes it easy to keep good health top of mind, every day. We’ve included a challenge, too, to get you started.
I hope you enjoy this edition of PA Health, and I wish you and your family a healthy and happy autumn.
Jaewon Ryu, MD, JD
President and CEO