A message from our CEO
Welcome to the winter issue of PA Health
As winter starts covering the ground with blankets of snow, we look ahead to the new year. It’s a time to reflect, and to look at how we can make the most of the future.
Are you making resolutions to be healthier this year? You’ll discover some resources to get you on the right track. And since February is American Heart Month, we’re sharing some tips and advice for a healthy heart.
If you have a teen in your life, you know their increased hormones can influence their emotional mindset. Find out how to tell the difference between normal teenage moodiness and clinical depression, and what you can do to help your teen navigate these feelings.
We’ll also look at physical pain and its many causes. Explore some pain management techniques and treatments and how they can help you cope with it.
Finally, we’ll get at the core of why apples are so good for you. You may want to try your hand at our delicious recipe featuring this crunchy, nutrient-dense fruit.
Wishing you all a healthy and prosperous new year!
Jaewon Ryu, MD, JD
President and CEO