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Kids! Giggle, doodle and use your noodle for better health!

Healthy living is serious stuff, right? Not with ZING543210. This Geisinger program helps everyone — especially kids — develop healthy habits while having fun.

And our activity book is a great way to introduce the children in your life to the good stuff they should aim for every day.

Share these games and puzzles with your little loved ones — and contact us at to get the whole free booklet mailed to you. Or, click below to download it and print it yourself.

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Words to the wise 

How many words can you find hiding inside the word LAUGHTER

Example: GET


Food fun

Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor?

Unscrambled eggs 

Get crackin’ on your daily 5 servings by adding vegetables to your breakfast. Can you unscramble these veggies that taste great in scrambled eggs?

R    G    N    E    E        P    P    P    R    E    E

O    T    M    A    O    T

C    B    O    R    O    C    I    L

N    O    I    N    O

H    C    I    A    N    P    S

Game, set... match! 

Can you match the word to its sport?

  1. tennis a. assist
  2. volleyball b. down
  3. baseball c. dunk
  4. basketball d. javelin
  5. ice hockey e. slider
  6. football f. bump
  7. gymnastics g. love
  8. track & field h. check
  9. soccer i. vault

Aim for these ZING543210 goals every day:

  • 5 servings of fruit and vegetables
  • 4 kind thoughts
  • 3 belly laughs
  • 2 hours or less on your phone, tablet or other screen
  • 1 hour having fun outside
  • 0 sugary, sweetened drinks


Words to the wise: Possible answers (but there are lots more!): hag, rag, let, hue, real, glue, great, later

Food fun: It wasn't peeling well!

Unscrambled eggs: green pepper, tomato, broccoli, onion, spinach

Game set... match! 1-g, 2-f, 3-e, 4-c, 5-h, 6-b, 7-i, 8-d, 9-a

This story originally appeared in the fall issue of PA Health, our quarterly full-color magazine filled with wellness tips, inspiring stories and more.

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