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Asthma attacks can happen out of nowhere. You’ll breathe easier knowing how to manage when symptoms strike.

When you have asthma, simple things can trigger an attack, like pollen, pet dander and even changes in the weather. And when asthma symptoms hit hard, it can put a damper on your day — or worse yet, put you in the emergency room. 

“Asthma attacks can range from mild to severe. Mild attacks may last only a few minutes and resolve on their own or with medication, typically a quick-acting inhaler,” says Paul Arkless, MD, a pulmonologist and critical care medicine specialist at Geisinger. “But left untreated, they can progress to severe attacks that require immediate medical attention.”

The key to dealing with an asthma attack? Being prepared. You’ll breathe easier knowing how to manage when symptoms strike.

What is an asthma attack?

Asthma is a chronic disease of inflammation in the bronchial tubes, the passages that allow air to enter and leave the lungs. Its cause: an overactive immune system. Asthma attacks occur when something irritates the airways and triggers the immune system to take action, which makes the airways swell.

“An asthma attack, also called an asthma flare or exacerbation, causes sudden and severe worsening of asthma symptoms,” says Dr. Arkless. “Once the airways swell, the bronchial tubes narrow and air cannot flow freely, making it harder to breathe.”

Asthma attack symptoms

Asthma attack symptoms can come on suddenly or build up gradually over several hours. Common signs of an asthma attack include: 

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing or whistling sound when breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness

If symptoms persist or seem to be worsening, seek medical attention right away. If quick action isn’t taken, they can lead to severe symptoms like gasping for breath and difficulty speaking.

What causes asthma attacks?

Asthma symptoms appear when you’re exposed to triggers. But asthma triggers aren’t the same for everyone.

“When you understand what causes your asthma attacks, you can take proactive steps to minimize exposure to triggers and manage your condition better,” says Dr. Arkless.

Common triggers for asthma include:


Pollen is one of the most common triggers of seasonal asthma. Trees, grass and weeds release this fine powder into the air during spring, summer and even fall. If you’re sensitive to pollen, your body may see it as harmful, which can lead to a reaction.

“To fight it off, your immune system releases a substance called immunoglobin E, or IgE,” Dr. Arkless says. “These antibodies make your airways swell, causing asthma symptoms.”

Poor air quality

Breathing polluted air irritates your airways — another cause for a flare-up. Common sources of air pollution include:

  • Dust
  • Smoke
  • Gases
  • Fine particles

Dust mites

These microscopic creatures call dust their home. If you could see them, you’d find dust mites in places like bedding, carpeting and furniture. And if you have children, even their beloved stuffed animals can harbor these sneaky pests. Breathing in dust mites’ byproducts can worsen asthma symptoms.

Mold spores

Mold grows in damp or humid environments, like basements and bathrooms. To reproduce, it releases tiny particles into the air called spores. If you inhale them, mold spores can trigger an asthma attack.

Weather changes

Oddly, even abrupt weather changes can lead to asthma symptoms. “Symptoms can worsen when seasons change or when there’s a severe weather event,” says Dr. Arkless.

Wondering what weather has to do with asthma?

Breathing in cold, dry air irritates airways, making you wheeze and cough. And hot, humid air — because it’s heavy and full of moisture — makes your lungs work harder. Finally, wet or windy conditions can stir up mold and pollen, triggering symptoms.

Pet dander

Our furry friends bring us joy. But they also bring an unexpected and often unwanted guest — dander, or dead skin cells. Pet dander, as well as other proteins found in their saliva and waste, can cause allergic reactions for some. And if inhaled, dander can worsen asthma symptoms.

Other triggers for asthma

Besides these, other triggers for asthma include:

  • Acid reflux
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Fragrances
  • Sicknesses, like sinus or upper respiratory infections
  • Household pests like cockroaches and mice

Tips for asthma attack management

While some asthma attacks are unavoidable, taking steps to manage your asthma can go a long way in preventing an attack and minimizing their impact.

To keep asthma attacks at bay, follow these tips:

Record your symptoms

First, watch for patterns in your symptoms by logging when they happen. The more detail, the better — include the type of environment, the weather, your overall health and anything else that might be connected. Then share your findings with your provider so they can help you recognize red flags.

Dr. Arkless also recommends using a peak flow meter to monitor how well air is moving out of your lungs each day. Record your numbers in a log book to help you and your provider determine your personal best peak flow number.

“A peak flow meter can alert you to breathing changes or issues, sometimes before symptom onset,” he says. “If you have a significant decrease in peak flow, you can take action, based on your asthma action plan, and potentially avoid a serious asthma event.”

Identify and manage your triggers

Next, use your symptom notes to identify your triggers for asthma. Understanding your specific triggers and avoiding them where possible is a good way to stay ahead of asthma attacks.

For example, if pollen or bad air quality aggravate your asthma, keep your windows closed or stay inside when needed. Keeping your living or workspace clean and dust-free will help you minimize symptoms, as well.

Dressing appropriately and taking other precautions during extreme weather could also help stave off asthma attacks.

Always have a quick-relief inhaler nearby

Want to be ready in case of a flare-up? Don’t leave home without your rescue inhaler. It’ll help relieve your symptoms and get them under control quickly.

Dr. Arkless also advises his patients to sit upright and try to remain calm.

“Panicking can worsen symptoms and make breathing even more difficult,” he says. “Instead, take slow, deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This can help regulate your breathing and prevent hyperventilation.”

Create an asthma attack action plan

“An asthma attack action plan is just what it sounds like: a written plan that outlines what to do if you have an asthma attack,” says Dr. Arkless. Your healthcare provider will work with you to build a plan tailored to your specific needs.

Your plan will:

  • Identify asthma triggers and symptoms
  • List medications to use and when
  • Detail what to do if symptoms get worse or don’t respond to treatment

Get your flu shot

Another way to prevent asthma attacks? Get your yearly flu shot. This vaccine helps protect you from the virus that causes the flu — and avoid a respiratory infection that may set off a flare-up. Then you can focus on staying well all year long.

When to see your doctor

When you have asthma, keeping your healthcare provider involved is crucial. Your provider can work with you to build an asthma attack action plan to control your symptoms, so you can stay ahead of attacks.

Make an appointment if you’re:

  • Having trouble controlling your symptoms
  • Using your rescue inhaler more than twice a week
  • Missing school or work because of asthma symptoms
  • Having anxiety or stress related to your symptoms

Seek emergency care if:

  • You have extreme difficulty breathing or can’t speak due to shortness of breath
  • Your lips or face turn blue
  • Your rescue inhaler is not providing relief
  • You have a rapid worsening of symptoms
  • You have a history of severe asthma attacks

Early intervention and prompt medical attention can help prevent severe asthma attacks and minimize complications.

“Regular checkups, proper medication usage and following your action plan can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks so you can lead a healthier, more comfortable life,” says Dr. Arkless.

Next steps:

Learn about pulmonology care at Geisinger
Get tips for treating seasonal allergies
Are smoking cessation drugs right for you?

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