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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“My father passed away from cancer when I was 5. If I could help a family not have to go through that, it would be awesome.” Seventeen-year-old Lackawanna Trail High School senior Madison Peoples knows why she wants to pursue a career in healthcare. Her dreams led her to spend the summer as a volunteer with Scranton’s GCMC surgical team and attend the hospital’s Mini Med School. “The people who work here are some of the best I’ve ever met,” she says. “I’ve learned so much from them – seeing their bedside manner, the way they work with people in unthinkable circumstances, how they’re able to communicate with patients and families in a compassionate way.” Madison will take her experiences to a pre-med program next year. “Not many people can say ‘I saved a life today.’ To me, that means everything.” #GeisingerStories 
Seventeen-year-old Lackawanna Trail High School senior Madison
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