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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“We were thrilled to find out we were expecting,” says Jacquelyn Hoffer, despite being diagnosed with thyroid disease and hypertension. “I was deemed a high risk patient from the start. Right before hitting the 28-week mark, I ended up developing preeclampsia. For my and my baby’s safety, the doctors delivered Jackson at 28 weeks – I’ve never been more terrified in my life. He came into this world crying and weighing only 2 pounds 7 ounces.  I didn't get to hold him until he was 8 days old. The absolute scariest moment was being told he possibly had NEC – a condition where the bowel dies off that can be fatal. We felt hopeless thinking we may lose our son.” Following a 64-day stay in the NICU, Jackson finally got to go home, with mom crediting neonatologists Dr. Edward Everett, Dr. Anne Russo and the “incredible” nursing staff” at Geisinger Medical Center. “We are so blessed that he doesn’t have any long lasting complications. We now see Dr. Amy Everett (who happens to be married to the earlier-mentioned Dr. Everett) and she takes amazing care of our little man. We cannot thank the doctors and nurses at Geisinger enough. We thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts.” #GeisingerStories
Baby in reindeer outfit
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