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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

Battling congestive heart failure, Nancy Weese became a hospital frequent flyer, staying five or six days numerous times a month due to severe chest pain, nausea and exhaustion. Five or six days turned into one or two weeks and her suffering became unbearable. “It was a two-week stay - I couldn’t even stand. I didn’t think I’d ever walk out the door,” she said of the visit that would ultimately change her life. Cardiologist Dr. Stephen Bell and physician assistant Kimber Fisher, who cared for Nancy in the hospital, determined she’d be the perfect candidate for the Lewistown heart failure clinic and following their advice, Nancy began seeking treatment there. Each visit included monitoring her vitals, educating her on diet and weight management and adjusting her medications as needed. Pretty soon, Nancy’s appointments were reduced to every two weeks, and today, she’s down to a monthly check up. Thanks to her team of caregivers and a commitment to lifestyle changes, Nancy took control of her heart health and has not been hospitalized since. “I’m doing what I’m told for once and things are going pretty good,” she says with a laugh. “Thank the Lord I listened and they were there to help.” #GeisingerStories #GeisingerCaring
Nancy Weese
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