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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“I have to look at what hand was worked on because that’s how good the surgery was,” David Rumbel, of Ringtown, Schuylkill County, says. “It all started in 2013 — signing my name was difficult, and I couldn’t put my hand in my pocket. I couldn’t even put gloves on. I had Dupuytren's disease — a growth that was shrinking tendons and pulling my finger in so I couldn’t straighten it out. I went for a consultation with a doctor to discuss a corrective procedure. My standard pre-op blood work came back showing high protein levels- that’s when they told me I have bone marrow cancer. My treatment began with radiation and chemotherapy followed by a stem cell transplant. Following my surgery, my immune system was very weak, leaving me susceptible to even a common cold escalating. A short stay in the hospital following my surgery ensured sterile conditions for a healthy recovery. After my procedure and entering cancer remission, I was finally in good enough shape for my hand surgery. I had the surgery done by Dr. Goldberg and it turned out fabulous. I had no pain, which shocked me. I slept through the first night and woke up the next day with absolutely no pain. When they took the splint off, I had a good amount of movement, and didn’t even need physical therapy. I had no pain, and I contribute that to Dr. Goldberg.” #GeisingerStories
David Rumbel
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