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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“Since my surgery, I’ve been hiking, playing, jumping on the trampoline and I even went on an indoor rock climb with my kids,” said Natalie Fultz of Mifflin County.
Before, the mother-of-three suffered debilitating neck pain. “I had horrible headaches and muscle spasms.  I didn’t want to do anything. It was so severe, I was bedridden for two weeks last summer.  And I tried everything - physical therapy, massages, medication, injections. Nothing helped.” Enter neurosurgeon Bryan Bolinger, who offers disc replacement surgery using a cobalt chrome alloy he calls the “wave of the future.” An alternative to spinal fusion, disc replacement preserves neck motion and reduces the need for future surgeries. Natalie had two discs replaced on Dec. 23 and was home by Christmas Eve. Her children —a pair of teenage boys and a nine-year old daughter—have noticed a big difference in their mom since then.  “I’m a lot happier and I’m able to do more around the house and yard now,” she said. #GeisingerStories
Natalie Fultz kissed by daughter
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