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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“It took my life away. My job. My family. My social life,” explained Chuck Price, 51, husband and father of two boys. “It” was chronic back pain coupled with an Oxycontin prescription that left him in a “medicated cloud.” Diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, Chuck endured more than 10 years of insufferable back pain including five surgeries. One night after an increased dosage, his medication caused abnormal heart rhythms and profuse sweating. Chuck decided then he needed to put the brakes on his prescription meds. “My wife and kids called me Jekyll and Hyde.”
Recommended by a pain clinic nurse, Chuck joined Geisinger’s Multidisciplinary Pain Program which promotes pain relief through physical activity, meditation and mindfulness. “I remember thinking these people were crazy. But at that point, I was willing to try anything.” Chuck immediately focused on exercising and since that day, he’s lost 60 pounds, walks 8 to 10 miles every day and has cut way back on his pain medication. “I’m no longer depressed and I even rediscovered my love for baseball. Truthfully, I never thought I’d be physically capable to be so active again. And now, I’m coaching my nephew’s team.”  #GeisingerStories #GeisingerCaring
Chuck Price
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