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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

"I had a patient I immediately connected with. She had bone cancer and we were providing comfort for her up until hospice care," says Jamie LaPointe, a nursing assistant in the ICU at Geisinger Community Medical Center. Jamie learned how to read her patient's needs in a way that allowed her to deliver comfort to the patient, taking her dedication a step further when she thought up something unique to honor her special charge. With permission, Jamie cast a mold of the patient's hand and added a painting of the woman’s unique tattoo. She then presented it to the family. "I thought it would be nice for them to have once she was gone. Her daughter cried, hugged me and said, 'My mom would be so proud of you.' I developed a close relationship with the family and felt like I was helping them, in a sense. It was a wonderful feeling." That was the moment when Jamie knew she was meant to be a nurse. She graduates from nursing school in May and continues to share her artistic talents with other GCMC patients.  #GeisingerStories #GeisingerFamily
Jamie LaPointe - a nursing assistant in the ICU at Geisinger Community Medical Center
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