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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

Every Friday at Geisinger Lewistown Hospital, a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed volunteer in a blue vest makes his rounds, wearing a warm smile everywhere he goes. That volunteer is Ace, a golden retriever and therapy dog. His owner, Christine Ammon, took him to visit her grandmother when he was just a puppy. That’s when she realized the difference a canine visitor can make. “I did a bit of research into therapy dogs,” says Christine. “And I thought, ‘we could do that.’” Ace is completely focused on his purpose: comforting those in need. With the patient’s permission, Ace spends a few minutes with non-critical patients on every floor of the hospital. “Before we started this therapy dog journey, I didn’t realize how much a dog could do for people. Those few minutes that he’s in their room, patients almost forget everything they’re going through.” #GeisingerStories
Ace - the therapy dog
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