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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

"It's the worst feeling to think I can't get on a trampoline with my kids because of how much I weigh," says Lorena Perry, a 42-year-old mom of two from Taylor. When she was younger, Lorena never worried about what she ate. As a result, her weight fluctuated for 20 years and after her pregnancies, the 5'2" woman topped 240 pounds. "I didn't eat the wrong things. I just became complacent." Lorena suffered from high blood pressure, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease and acid reflux before she finally reached her limit. She consulted Geisinger weight management physician Dr. Jila Kaberi-Otarod and bariatric surgeon Dr. Ryan Horsley and enrolled in the ProvenCare Bariatric Program in January 2016. In September, Lorena underwent gastric bypass surgery and lost 90 pounds. "I decided to have bariatric surgery so I can run around with my grandkids someday," Lorena says. "I feel like I got a second chance at life. I'm a new me!" #GeisingerStories  
lorene p gs
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