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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

"I was that 1 percent," says Keith Phelps of the complications and pain following a simple, routine surgery in 2014. Over the next two years, the Mifflinburg resident underwent four more surgeries which helped but did not cure his symptoms. Suffering from depression and loneliness, Phelps was approached by the Geisinger Pain Medicine team who encouraged him to enroll in the Multidisciplinary Pain Program. "This program treats the whole person." Keith learned to manage pain through relaxation techniques, nutrition and activity. Tapping into his creativity, along with his love for plants and gardening, he found a way to help decrease his pain utilizing what he learned. "I don't know where I would be without this program. It helped me reconnect with myself. Geisinger’s MPP gave me back my life." #GeisingerStories #PainManagement
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