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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“My strength has increased a lot over the last year,” says Hunter Zondory, a resident of Rauchtown, Pa. The 20-year-old athlete severely injured his neck 2 years ago during a college wrestling practice. “I was paralyzed. I couldn't move my lower body at all." After having a successful surgery and trying multiple rehabilitation programs in big cities throughout the state, Hunter switched to Geisinger Jersey Shore Hospital.

Now, he’s working with his local physical therapists Caleb Lomax and Karen Horne. “I was plateauing elsewhere. Caleb and Karen are helping me progress to a whole new level. My confidence is increasing. My ability to walk is improving. I can do multiple sit-ups and push-ups, too.”
He still has muscle fatigue and limited use of his left hand, which he continues to work on and stretch every day. “He’s determined and works hard,” says Karen. “He does everything we have asked of him and remains optimistic.”
As he regains his independence, Hunter continues to hit important milestones. “I just got my driver’s license back, and it’s so nice driving again. I’m getting stronger every day and I’m thankful that Caleb and Karen were right in my backyard,” said Hunter.
hunter zondory
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