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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“I had a severe heart attack in 2000, and three-and-a-half years ago, I had a stroke,” says Jeff Mausteller of Elysburg, Pa. This was around the same time his brother was admitted to Geisinger for a heart attack, and six weeks later, a stroke. The similarities in their medical history made the decision to sign up for MyCode an easy choice. “I have the LDLR gene variant,” says Jeff.
“It’s the low-density lipoprotein receptor,” says neurosurgeon Clemens Schirmer, MD, “and with this, you don’t metabolize cholesterol very well and that can lead up to fatty acids in your vessels.”
“Now we have insight on what can get passed on to siblings and other family members. MyCode is probably on the cutting edge of changing the whole medical world at this point,” says Jeff.
Interested in learning more about MyCode? For details on the program and how you can participate, click here.
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