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For urgent technical issues, call our service desk Geisinger patients call 570-214-0003. All other organizations call 570-849-6917. For urgent medical concerns, contact your provider's office.

All requests submitted to the service desk are assigned as routine priority. We respond to requests within two to three business days. Help requests are received by support staff Monday through Friday, 8 am – 8 pm.

The support team will:
  • Address and respond to your submission within 2 business days.
  • Resolve your help request within 5 business days from the time the submission was created.

Note: If a parent or legal guardian of a patient 13 to 17 years old disables their account, the patient’s account will also be disabled (if no other parents or legal guardians have access.)
Note: Children 13 to 17 can access their records with approval from a parent or legal guardian.

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