Your Guide to Health & Well-Being
Welcome to the online spring edition of PA Health magazine, where you’ll find all the great content from our print edition.
Like remarkable stories about our neighbors’ triumphs over health challenges. And ways to make the most of our region’s natural areas and recreation spots. Plus, delicious, healthy recipes.
You’ll also find bonus content, like more tasty treats to make, inspiring videos about local people who are thriving after facing health issues — and quick links to in-depth information about the conditions they’ve overcome. Because when we share resources, we make good health more accessible for everyone.
Healthy habits to hit 100+
Courage through COVID: Keish’s story
Her secret to a long life?
When you’ve made it well past the average life expectancy (for an American woman, that’s 81.4 years), everyone wants to know what you think was the key. For 90-year-old Jane Selvin (pictured with granddaughter and PA Health staffer Jeanne Laktash), “red wine every day and lots of bread” didn’t hurt, and she adds:
I worked very hard all my life and have never been one to sit still. Every day I do something, whether that’s sorting mail, doing laundry, washing dishes or making my bed. I just keep pushing, even if I don’t feel like it. It empowers you to keep going. That’s why I think I’m still here. Oh, and watching my four grandchildren and my four great-grandchildren grow up. They’re my reason for living.”
A message from our CEO
With the return of spring, it's natural to feel younger than you've felt in years. How can you keep that feeling alive? Explore this issue of PA Health for strategies to live a longer, healthier life.
Get in the zone
Forget searching for the fountain of youth. Just head to your grocery store with a list of “blue zone” foods.
Do you have a story to tell?
If you have a story suggestion or an amazing health story to tell, we’d love to hear it, and maybe we’ll even feature it in an upcoming issue of PA Health magazine.