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To improve convenience and reduce costs of care, we continue to transition members to home infusions. Certain infusion drugs are no longer covered in hospital-owned facilities.

For a full list and other infusion drug site-of-care guidelines, see our Medical Benefit Pharmaceutical Policy (MBP 181.0).

We grant a 60-day grace period for patients new to therapy so they can receive their first 2 doses in a hospital-owned facility before transitioning to home infusion.  

While home infusions can be an excellent alternative to in-hospital infusions, they’re not always the best solution for every patient. If you believe a patient is not a good candidate for home infusion, call Geisinger Health Plan’s Medical Management Pharmacy Department at 800-544-3907.  

GHP members can receive infusions from any in-network home infusion provider, such as Geisinger Home Infusion Services (800-245-8767). GHP members can also receive self-administered injections for applicable drugs.

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