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Title IX resource page

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For incidents occurring on or after Aug. 1, 2024: GCHS Policy on Sexual/Gender Discrimination, Misconduct and Harassment (Title IX)

For incidents that occurred between Aug. 14, 2020 and July 31, 2024: GCHS 2020 Policy on Sexual/Gender Discrimination, Misconduct and Harassment (Title IX)

It's On Us pledge 

Take the pledge to help stop sexual violence.

It's On Us


It's On Us

PA resources

NJ resources

NY resources

Geisinger’s Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) Program

  • Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner training provided by the SAFE program (Geisinger log-in required)

"Did you know It’s On Us?" awareness campaign

  • Geisinger College of Health Sciences gratefully acknowledges financial support provided by PA Governor Josh Shapiro’s “It’s On Us PA” program, administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Office for Postsecondary and Higher Education.
  • Playlist of all videos

Statement on Title IX nondiscrimination 

Geisinger College of Health Sciences (GCHS) seeks to comply with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances prohibiting sex discrimination in private post-secondary education institutions.

GCHS does not discriminate against any Employee, applicant for employment, Student, or Applicant for Admission on the basis of sex.

This Policy covers sex discrimination in both employment and access to educational opportunities. Therefore, any member of the GCHS community whose acts deny, deprive, unreasonably interfere with or limit the education or employment and/or social access, benefits and/or opportunities of any member of the GCHS community, guest or visitor on the basis of that person’s sex, is in violation of this Policy.

GCHS will promptly and effectively address any such discrimination of which it has Knowledge/Notice using the Resolution Process for Alleged Violations of the GCHS Policy on Sexual/Gender Discrimination, Misconduct and Harassment (Title IX).

Questions regarding Title IX may be referred to the Title IX coordinator (see contact information below) or to the Federal Office of Civil Rights at or the regional federal Office of Civil Rights at

Title IX Team contacts

GCHS has appointed the Title IX Team, comprised of the following individual(s), to coordinate GCHS’s compliance with federal, state and local sex discrimination laws and ordinances. Collectively, these individuals are responsible for providing comprehensive sex discrimination education and training and administering the Title IX policy.

Title IX coordinator:
Andrea Mulrine
Medical Sciences Building, Room 3037, 525 Pine St., Scranton, PA 18509
570-510-0845 or

Appeals officer:
Andrea K. DiMattia, EdD
Vice Provost for Education Administration, Division of Education Administration
Medical Sciences Building, Room 3037, 525 Pine St., Scranton, PA 18509 
570-504-9634  (ext. 1270 for calls within the Medical Sciences Building)

Title IX assistant coordinator for human resources:
Kelly Besack, SPHR
Employee Relations Specialist
100 N. Academy Ave., Danville, PA 17822

Title IX assistant coordinator for graduate medical education:
Aliasgar Chittalia, MD
Geisinger Mountain Top, 35 S. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top, PA 18707

Title IX assistant coordinator for health professions:
Megan Longenberger
100 North Academy Ave., Main Hospital, 4th floor, Danville, PA 17822

Pregnancy and parenting protections

Refer to the GCHS Policy on Pregnancy and Parenting Protections for detailed information on the college’s policy and procedures.


Members of the Title IX Team receive ongoing training through the Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) and other professional organizations.

As required by the August 2020 regulations, training materials from Aug. 14, 2020 through July 31, 2024 are available online.

Refer questions pertaining to training that occurred on August 1, 2024 or later to the Title IX coordinator.

Resource advisors

Resource advisors are members of the GCHS community who are available to provide support and information regarding the Policy on Sexual/Gender Discrimination, Misconduct and Harassment.

Supportive measures

Refer to the GCHS Policy on Sexual/Gender Discrimination, Misconduct and Harassment for complete details regarding supportive measures.

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the complainant or the respondent. Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to GCHS’s education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or GCHS’s educational environment, or to deter sexual harassment. Supportive measures are available to complainants with or without the filing of a formal complaint.

Supportive measures may include counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, adjustment of learning modality, campus escort services, mutual restrictions on contact between the parties, changes in work locations, leaves of absence, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus, and other similar measures.

GCHS will keep any supportive measures provided to the complainant or respondent confidential, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of GCHS to provide the supportive measures (for example, issuing mutual restrictions on contact requires disclosure to both parties). The Title IX coordinator is responsible for coordinating the effective implementation of supportive measures.

Title IX campus resources and referral options

Information about medical assistance, emergency services, advocacy and support services and academic accommodations at each campus/site.

Guidance on reporting

Any applicant, student, employee or member of the GCHS community who has experienced sex discrimination, sex-based harassment or other conduct prohibited under the GCHS Policy on Sexual/Gender Discrimination, Misconduct and Harassment is encouraged to immediately seek help. In circumstances involving sexual violence or assault, GCHS encourages all individuals to seek assistance from a medical provider and/or law enforcement as indicated immediately after an incident of sexual/gender misconduct, whether or not the individual plans to pursue criminal action.

GCHS encourages anyone who has experienced any form of sex discrimination, sex-based harassment or other prohibited conduct to report the incident promptly and to pursue GCHS remedies and interventions as described below, as well as criminal action, if applicable. GCHS takes complaints seriously and the Title IX coordinator is prepared to assist complainants to ensure their safety and to provide supportive measures.

GCHS requires all faculty and staff, other than those designated as confidential employees, who witness or learn of any incidents of sex discrimination, sex-based harassment or other prohibited conduct to report the issue to the Title IX coordinator. GCHS encourages students who witness or learn of any incidents of sex discrimination, sex-based harassment or other prohibited conduct to report the issue to the Title IX coordinator. Any person may report discrimination, harassment or misconduct whether or not they are the person alleged to be the receiver of such conduct at any time. In such cases where an individual other than the one experiencing the misconduct makes the report, the Title IX coordinator will reach out to the party involved (complainant) to offer supportive measures and provide information on the grievance procedure.

Reporting options

Reports of sex discrimination, sex-based harassment or other prohibited conduct can be made to any member of the Title IX Team via mail, email, phone or in person. See contact information above.

Individuals also have the right to file a formal grievance with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights or the regional OCR office if they believe GCHS has discriminated on the basis of sex, retaliated against a complainant, witness, or respondent, or failed to follow the procedures set forth in this policy:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Regional Office:

The Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square East, Suite 515
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323
Fax: 215-656-8605

National Office:
400 Maryland Avenue. SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Customer service hotline: 800-421-3481
Fax: 202-453-6012
TDD#: 877-521-2172

Anonymous reports

Anonymous reports can be made by anyone experiencing sexual/gender misconduct and/or anyone observing sexual/gender misconduct using the online reporting form.

Or by using the following reporting hotlines:

  • Employees may report on an anonymous Geisinger hotline hosted by Global Compliance, Inc. at 800-292-1627, or make a report online.
  • Students may report anonymously using the hotline at 570-624-4461.

Note that these anonymous reports will prompt a review by the Title IX coordinator. The college’s response to anonymous reports may, however, be limited by the amount of information provided on these reports. In the event that an incident involves alleged misconduct by the Title IX coordinator, reports should be made directly to the Vice Provost of Education Administration, Andrea DiMattia, EdD, 570-504-9634 or

Prohibited conduct

Refer to the GCHS Policy on Sexual/Gender Discrimination, Misconduct and Harassment for detailed descriptions of prohibited conduct.

Sex Discrimination

Sex discrimination is different treatment with respect to a person’s employment or participation in an education program or activity based, in whole or in part, upon the person’s actual or perceived sex. Includes both Disparate (intentional) Treatment Discrimination and Disparate Impact Discrimination (unintentional result).

Sex-based Harassment (Applicable under Title IX, Title VII, and the Fair Housing Act)

Sex-based Harassment is a form of sex discrimination and means sexual harassment and other harassment on the basis of sex, including sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

  1. Quid Pro Quo: an employee agent, or other person authorized by GCHS, to provide an aid, benefit, or service under GCHS’s education program or activity, explicitly or impliedly conditioning the provision of such aid, benefit, or service, on a person’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct.
  2. Hostile Environment Harassment: unwelcome sex-based conduct, that based on the totality of the circumstances, is subjectively and objectively offensive, and is so severe or pervasive, that it limits or denies a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from GCHS’s education program or activity
  3. Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking
  4. Other Prohibited Conduct
    a.) Sexual Exploitation
    b) Retaliation
    c) Unauthorized Disclosure
    d) Failure to Comply/Process Interference
Resolution procedures for Title IX allegations

Both Informal and Formal (Hearing) Resolution options are available.  Refer to the GCHS Policy on Sexual/Gender Discrimination, Misconduct and Harassment for details of both processes.

Informal: Both parties must agree to Informal Resolution. At any time during the process, either party may choose to move to the formal Hearing Resolution process.

Formal: Officially known as the Hearing Resolution, this process includes an investigation with interviews of the parties and applicable witnesses, a live hearing conducted by a trained Decision-maker, and an option for either party to appeal the decision based on limited grounds for appeal as specified in the policy.

For a visual representation of the major components of the reporting and resolution process, access the GCHS Flowchart for Title IX Reporting and Resolution.

Statement of parties' rights

The Complainant and Respondent have the right to:

  • An equitable investigation and resolution of all credible allegations of prohibited sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, retaliation, and Other Prohibited Conduct, when reported in good faith to GCHS officials.
  • Timely written notice of all alleged violations, including the identity of the Parties involved (if known), the specific misconduct being alleged, the date and location of the alleged misconduct (if known), the implicated Policies and procedures, and possible sanctions.
  • Timely written notice of any material adjustments to the allegations (e.g., additional incidents or allegations, additional Complainants) by updating the Notice of Investigation and Allegation(s) (NOIA) as needed to clarify potentially implicated Policy violations.
  • Be informed in advance of any GCHS public release of information regarding the allegation(s) or underlying incident(s), whenever possible.
  • Have all personally identifiable information protected from GCHS’s release to the public without consent, except to the extent permitted by law.
  • Be treated with respect by GCHS officials.
  • Have GCHS Policy and these procedures followed without material deviation.
  • Voluntarily agree to resolve allegations under this Policy through Informal Resolution without GCHS pressure, if Informal Resolution is approved by the Title IX Coordinator.
  • Not be discouraged by GCHS officials from reporting sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, retaliation, and Other Prohibited Conduct to both on-campus and off-campus authorities.
  • Be informed of options to notify proper law enforcement authorities, including on-campus and local police, and the option(s) to be assisted by GCHS in notifying such authorities, if the party chooses. This also includes the right to not be pressured to report and to decline to notify such authorities.
  • Have allegations of violations of this Policy responded to promptly and with sensitivity by GCHS security, public safety and/or other GCHS officials.
  • Be informed of available supportive measures, such as counseling, advocacy, health care, student financial aid, visa and immigration assistance, and/or other services, both on-campus and in the community.
  • A GCHS-implemented no-contact order or a no-trespass order against a non-affiliated third party when a person has engaged in or threatens to engage in stalking, threatening, harassing, or other improper conduct.
  • Be informed of available assistance in changing academic, and/or employment situations after an alleged incident of sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, retaliation, and/or Other Prohibited Conduct if such changes are reasonably available. No formal report, or investigation, either institutional or criminal, needs to occur for this option to be available. Such actions may include, but are not limited to:
    • Relocating a student’s housing to a different location
    • Assistance from GCHS staff in completing the relocation
    • Changing an employee’s work environment (e.g., reporting structure, office/workspace relocation)
    • Transportation assistance o Visa/immigration assistance o Rescheduling or adjusting an exam, paper, and/or assignment
    • Receiving an incomplete in, or a withdrawal from, a class (may be retroactive)
    • Transferring class sections o Temporary withdrawal/leave of absence (may be retroactive)
    • Campus safety escorts
    • Alternative course completion options
  • Have GCHS maintain supportive measures for as long as deemed necessary by the Title IX Coordinator, ensuring they remain confidential, provided confidentiality does not impair GCHS’s ability to provide the supportive measures.
  • Receive sufficiently advanced written notice of any GCHS meetings or interviews involving another party, when possible.
  • Identify and have the Investigator(s) and/or Decision-maker question relevant available witnesses, including expert witnesses.
  • Provide the Investigator(s)/Decision-maker with a list of questions that, if deemed relevant and permissible by the Investigator(s)/Decision-maker, may be asked of any party or witness.
  • Have Complainant’s inadmissible sexual interests/prior sexual history or any Party’s irrelevant character evidence excluded by the Decision-maker.
  • Access the relevant evidence obtained and respond to that evidence.
  • A fair opportunity to provide the Investigator(s) with their account of the alleged misconduct and have that account be on the record.
  • Receive a copy of all relevant and permissible evidence obtained during the investigation, subject to privacy limitations imposed by federal and state law and be given ten (10) business days to review and comment on the evidence.
  • The right to receive a copy of the Final Investigation Report, including all factual, Policy, and/or credibility analyses performed, and to have at least seven (7) business days to review the report prior to the determination.
  • Be informed of the names of all witnesses whose information will be used to make a finding, in advance of that finding, when relevant.
  • Regular status updates on the investigation and/or Resolution Process.
  • Have reports of alleged Policy violations addressed by Resolution Process Pool members or external third-parties who have received relevant annual training as required by law.
  • Preservation of confidentiality/privacy, to the extent possible and permitted by law.
  • Meetings, interviews, and/or hearings that are closed to the public.
  • Petition that any GCHS representative in the process be recused on the basis of disqualifying bias and/or conflict of interest.
  • Be able to select an Advisor of their choice to accompany and assist the party in all meetings and/or interviews associated with the Resolution Process.
  • Receive a Final Determination applying the appropriate standard of proof, preponderance of the evidence, after an objective evaluation of all relevant and permissible evidence.
  • Be present, including presence via remote technology, during all testimony given and evidence presented during any live hearing.
  • Have an impact and/or mitigation statement considered by the Decision-maker following a determination of responsibility for any allegation, but prior to sanctioning.
  • Be promptly informed of the Resolution Process finding(s) and sanction(s) (if any) and be given a detailed rationale of the decision (including an explanation of how credibility was assessed) in a written outcome letter delivered to the Parties simultaneously (without undue delay).
  • Be informed in writing of when a GCHS decision is considered final and any changes to the Final Determination or sanction(s) that occur post outcome letter delivery.
  • Be informed of the opportunity to appeal the Resolution Process finding(s) and sanction(s), and the procedures for doing so in accordance with GCHS’s grounds for appeal.
  • A fundamentally fair resolution as defined in these procedures.

Victims of crime in the state of Pennsylvania are guaranteed rights listed in the PA Crime Victim Bill of Rights.

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