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Behavioral health intensive outpatient program

In many cases, a patient who is experiencing a behavioral health issue requires a special level of care to regain peace of mind. We developed the Geisinger Intensive Outpatient Program to deliver focused treatment of mental health conditions and behavioral issues in a warm, judgment-free setting.

What you should know about behavioral health intensive outpatient program 

  • The Geisinger Intensive Outpatient Program offers psychiatric care in a relaxing, home-like environment.
  • Our unique program provides short-term, intensive treatment for behavioral health needs.
  • The program is a convenient alternative to inpatient care or follow up after hospitalization.
  • Patients attend structured group sessions, held three half-days a week, which include group therapy and psycho-education focused on goal setting, communication skills, cognitive therapy, mindfulness and stress management.
  • A psychiatrist oversees all medication management and treatment plans.

Treats these conditions

Our intensive outpatient program for behavioral health services treats a wide range of conditions and challenges, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty in adjusting to life changes (such as divorce, illness, death or job loss)
  • Suicidal thinking or behavior
  • Emotional instability
  • Decline in daily functioning, including ability to concentrate

Specialties and institutes

Connect with other specialties at Geisinger to learn more about these treatments.

Request a consultation today

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