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Plastic tray of histological tissue samples next to a microscope

Geisinger IHC

Stains are a good thing. Quality stains are OUR thing!

Antibody List

View a complete list of the stains we perform.

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When sending your specimen to an IHC lab, you need fast, accurate and reliable results each and every time. Geisinger IHC maintains a level of excellence in our methodologies, testing controls, and reporting that goes beyond industry standards. When you work with Geisinger IHC, you can be sure that your test results are accurate, thorough and validated.

Geisinger IHC. Be confident in your choice.

Specimen submission instructions. Call our Client Services Department at 1-800-695-6491 for additional information.

Science: We advance the science of immunohistochemistry.

• A large, expanding tissue microarray (TMA) bank containing thousands of tumors and normal tissues
• Most antibodies tested and validated on hundreds of tumors and/or normal tissues
• Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of each antibody determined on an automated platform and compared to published data
• Numerous antibody clones tested and compared to select the best available
• Research & Development Laboratory continually discovering new biomarkers

Service: We deliver fast, accurate and reliable results.

• Extensive and growing antibody menu
• Reliable and reproducible test results
• Fast turn-around time, within one working day
• Multi-tissue TMA control
• QC of both control and patient tissues
• Doctoral QC of predictive biomarkers such as ER, PR, HER2/neu, CD117, CD20
• Virtual slide delivery available
• IHC technicians with ASCP QIHC certification
• Enhanced tabular IHC reports

Support: We provide expertise, information and education.

• AP or AP/CP board-certified, subspecialized pathologists
• Recent publication of Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry—Frequently Asked Questions -3rd Edition
• Evidence-based differential diagnostic IHC panels
• Expert consultation available
• On-site presentations available upon request

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