How to...
Become a GML Client
GML provides laboratory services to physician offices, community hospitals, school districts, law enforcement agencies, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies and other clients. If you would like to become a GML client, please contact our Client Services Department (1-800-695-6491) and ask to speak to our sales and marketing representative, Theresa Gilhooley. GML offers the resources of a national laboratory with the convenience of local service. Theresa can customize our services to meet your needs
Get Your Patients' Lab Test Results
Patient test results are provided to our clients in a number of ways.
The Client Services Department is available for help in obtaining completed results, or for more comprehensive information such as interpretive or consultative guidelines. NOTE: Some highly sensitive test results, such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, are not, by policy, provided by phone or via printer. Please contact the Client Services Department for details about reporting of these test results.
Order Testing Supplies
Routine collection supplies required to submit specimens will be supplied by GML. These supplies include test requisitions, specimen tubes and caps, specimen transport bags, mailing supplies and specialized transport media. Supply requests are routinely filled and shipped via courier Monday through Friday.
To order routine supplies, either print and fax or mail our supply requisition (supply requisitions can be sent via U.S. mail or faxed to 570-271-5660), submit our electronic order form, or call our Client Services Department at 800-695-6491. Requests for special supplies or emergency orders will be handled most efficiently through the Client Services Department (800-695-6491).
To order oral biopsy supplies: Oral Biopsy Supply Requisition
Submit a Specimen to Geisinger Medical Laboratories
All specimens submitted to GML must be properly labeled with the following:
- Patient's name (first and last)
- Unique identifier (medical record number, social security number, etc.)
- Name and location of person completing requisition
- Date and time of collection
Add or Cancel a Test
Test requisitions or manifests must include:
- Required patient demographic information (complete name, date of birth, sex)
- Client account number and name
- Required clinical information.
- Phlebotomist's initials
- Tests to be performed
- Requesting physician
NOTE: Additional information for billing may be required. Please see Required Billing and Insurance Information. In order to ensure optimum integrity of patient specimens, clients should follow the specimen processing and pre-transport storage guidelines outlined in the test catalog. GML takes great care to maintain the conditions of storage throughout transport and distribution to the analyzing laboratory.
Clients will be notified of inappropriately labeled specimens and specimens which are judged unsuitable for analysis. The specimens will be returned at the client's request.
Request Courier Pickup
GML will provide transportation of patient specimens to our laboratories. Courier service is designed in consultation with each client and can include arrangements for STAT services as required. GML couriers receive detailed instruction on pre-analytical quality issues and are equipped with temperature controlled and monitored transport devices. GML couriers can also deliver requested supplies and reports. Please call our Client Services Department (800-695-6491 or 570-271-6326) to arrange for courier service.
If you have any questions about Geisinger Medical Laboratories' laboratory tests, services or clinical, technical, or business office procedures, please contact Client Services (800-695-6491).