Receiving a refund
Frequently asked questions about refunds
Why would I get a refund?
You may receive a refund from Geisinger due to overpayment of copays, balances or errors in insurance processing. If you are due a refund, Geisinger works with PNC Bank, an American bank based in Pittsburgh, Pa., to issue your payment.
How will I receive my refund?
If your email address is connected to your Geisinger account, you will:
- Receive an email notification from of a refund, branded Geisinger
- Click “Proceed” in the email
- Verify your identity
- Choose how to accept your payment — direct deposit, direct deposit to your debit card, Zelle, PayPal or Venmo.
If I don’t register online to receive a refund, what happens?
You’ll receive a second email after 5 days of no response. If you don’t respond to that email, we’ll mail a check to your preferred address. It typically takes 7 to 10 days after mailing to receive your payment.
In the past, I received my refund in the form of a credited Visa card. Why don’t I receive that anymore?
Geisinger partnered with PNC Bank to give you more options on how you receive your credit balance. Now you can choose direct deposit, direct deposit to your debit card, Zelle, PayPal or Venmo. If you don’t do anything or make a choice, we’ll automatically mail you a check.
What if I just want a check?
If you want a check, do nothing. After 5 days, we'll begin processing your check. It’ll take 7 to 10 days for your check to arrive in the mail.
Will I have a choice of how I want to receive my refund each time I get a refund?
Yes. Each refund is sent separately. You don’t create an account when you choose your refund — it’s a single verification process. However, your computer may store information and retrieve your PayPal or Zelle account information when you process a second refund.
What is the deceased patient refund process?
If a patient who is deceased receives a check and the estate is unable to deposit or cash it, Geisinger will reissue it to the appropriate person based on proof of the death certificate.
Questions? Call 800-640-4206.