Where are we now?
The Fresh Food Farmacy has positively impacted the lives of over 3,000 people, including registered patients and their families, in Northumberland, Mifflin, Juniata and Lackawanna Counties. By participating in our program, patients realized they weren't alone and the challenges they face are the same ones many of their neighbors face, too.
Our patients are seeing significant HBA1C improvements and are better able to manage their diabetes with fewer complications. They're able to provide their families with nutritious meals they prepare themselves. In addition, most participants started exercising and report they're more involved in managing their own health and the health of their families. The most profound finding, however, is that by providing healthy food and continual education, several participants have been able to reduce or even eliminate their diabetes medications.
Patients are also achieving personal goals of quitting tobacco use and improving biometric measures such as weight loss and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Informally, the program is also showing improvements in patients' moods, increased confidence to manage their chronic conditions, improved testing and monitoring of their health metrics and overall closure of healthcare gaps.