Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Resources
- Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Bowel Medications
- Central PA Health Risk Screening Tool FAQ and Overview January 2025
- HRST Rating Item Relationship Guide - This document will help Raters and Clinical Reviewers ensure that all Rating Items are properly addressed when screening the HRST.
- HRST User Account Template
- PA ODP HRST Protocol Update
- Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST): FAQ and Overview Handout - web-based screening tool that helps to detect health risks and destabilization early and prevent health related events, preventable illness, and death.
- Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST): In-app Training Guide - IntellectAbility has built training topics into the HRST application. Users can access and/or repeat trainings any time.
- HRST Rating Preparation Checklist - This document provides details on the type of information to have when completing the HRST for an individual.
- Common Diagnoses and Medication Entry Errors - This document provides information to help avoid some of the more common diagnoses and medication entry errors.
- Expanded Scoring Descriptors - The document is intended to assist nurses with the clinical review. This document describes the different scores an individual can have in each of the rating sections so the nurse can make sure that the comment/note contains the correct information showing that the score is appropriate.
- Monthly Data Tracker - This fillable document is designed to allow those who support the person most directly to easily track changes related to the 22 rating items of the HRST.
- Data Worksheet - This document allows support staff to collect information that can be used to determine a score in the HRST web-based application by a trained HRST rater.
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