Related information
For updated COVID 19 information please refer to:
- PA Department of Health
- PA Department of Human Services
- Health Alert: Measles can be Prevented
- Health Alert: Flu 2018-2019 Season
- 2009 H1N1 Flu Information for People with Disabilities and their Caregivers or Personal Assistants
- Health Record Form for Psychiatric Visit
- Talking with your Doctor
- Recommended Screenings and Tests for Adults Age 55
- Behavioral Health: 90 Day Team Review of Psychotropic Medication
- Dementia Screening Questionnaire for I/DD
- Digest on Dual Diagnosis
- Dysphagia Resource Guide
- Giving Medication at Home - The Department of Public Welfare and ODP
- A Guide to Family Health History
- Healthcare Provider Card
- Centre for Genetics Education (Sydney, Australia)
- Teaching Students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects-A Resource Guide for Teachers
- Intellectual Disability and Psychiatric Disorders: Understanding Diagnosis
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Guidelines for Referral and Diagnosis
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Competency Based Curriculum Development Guide
- Summary of VISCAT (Verbal Informed Sexual Consent Assessment Tool)
- Psychiatric Hospitalization Discharge Planning
- Executive Function 101
- Risk Assessment Screening for Best Practice
- Dual Diagnosis Direct Support Curriculum Passport
- Toolkit of Resources on Prevention of Individual to Individual (I to I) Abuse
- Sexuality Resources for Direct Care Supporters of Adult Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Resource Toolkit on Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
Toolkit of resources on prevention of individual to individual (I to I) abuse
- Identify I to I Abuse
- Optima Assessment
- Risk Screen Tool
- Post Incident Debriefing Tool
- Safety/Risk Assessment
- Risk Reduction
- Project S.A.R.A.H.
- Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Support Planning
- PA Dual Diagnosis Direct Support Curriculum Training Summaries
- HCQU Consumer Trainings Aimed at Reducing I to I Abuse
- HCQU Staff Trainings List
- Individual to Individual Abuse Reduction: HCQU Training
- HCQU Newsletters
- Initiatives: CCCC Peer Group for I to I Abuse
- Suncom: Professional Development Plan for Pre-Vocational Participants
Sexuality resources for direct care supporters of adult individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
The Positive Practice Committee has successfully completed a sexuality resource guide specific to adult individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This compilation was developed to help direct care supporters focus on positive outlooks regarding sexuality for this unique population. The resources can be used alone or in combination to meet the specific needs and interests of these individuals.
Resource toolkit on dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
The Positive Practice Committee has successfully completed a Dementia Resource Toolkit which includes resources around best practices related to persons with major neurocognitive disorder and mild neurocognitive disorder. Recently, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) released the fifth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).