Geisinger Wyoming Valley
More healthcare services and upgraded facilities for northeast Pennsylvania.
The healthcare professionals at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center (or GWV) and its Geisinger South Wilkes-Barre campus provide comprehensive care for residents of northeastern Pennsylvania and beyond.
Geisinger Wyoming Valley is home to a Level II trauma center and provides services in more than 30 specialty and subspecialty areas. In response to community needs identified through previous community health needs assessment (CHNA) reports and other processes, both Geisinger Wyoming Valley and South Wilkes-Barre have expanded facilities, services and community outreach to better serve the growing needs of the region’s population, reduce wait times and provide area residents with excellent healthcare close to home.
The 2024 CHNA identified the following priorities across all Geisinger’s service areas: Access to care; behavioral health (including substance abuse and mental health strategies); and chronic disease prevention and management (with a focus on increasing healthy behaviors).
Find more detail about Geisinger Wyoming Valley and South Wilkes-Barre programs and a list of action items that resulted from the assessment in the reports below:
- Geisinger Wyoming Valley and South Wilkes-Barre CHIP (Community Hospital Improvement Plan) CY24-26
- Geisinger Wyoming Valley and South Wilkes-Barre Community Health Needs Assessment 2024
- Geisinger Wyoming Valley and South Wilkes-Barre Community Health Needs Assessment 2021
- Geisinger Wyoming Valley and South Wilkes-Barre CHNA Implementation Plan CY21-23