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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

"I've been through a lot in my line of work," says 77-year-old Richard Brayer, who's owned an auto repair shop for 50 years. "I've had my foot crushed, I've lost toes, I've had fingers cut. But I never expected breast cancer." During an annual visit to Geisinger primary care physician Dr. Christine Stroka in January, the Scranton resident and self-described "guys' guy" reported pain in his chest and discharge from his right nipple. Despite no family history of cancer, the surprising diagnosis followed a mammogram and testing. A father of four, grandfather of 11 and great-grandfather of four, Richard urged his kids to get checked. In April, Geisinger Community Medical Center general surgeon Dr. Erin Miller removed his right breast and 17 lymph nodes. Richard begins radiation treatment this summer, but looks forward to getting back to tending his garden and hunting in the fall. “It’s shocking to find out you have any kind of cancer, but as a man, I never expected breast cancer. If you notice something isn’t right, get checked. You just never know.” #GeisingerStories
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