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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“I didn’t think I was going to make it,” says Heather Zapolski who awoke one morning feeling perfectly fine only to begin suffering severe pain and cramping - 8 weeks before her baby was due. An ambulance whisked the third-time mother to Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center where she was met by Dr. Errol Jay Goldstein and his dedicated team. Heather’s nurse, Allison Tomczyk, sensed something was seriously wrong - an ultrasound performed by Dr. Goldstein reinforced Allison’s suspicions: Heather had placenta accreta and a ruptured uterus. With only minutes to spare, doctors rushed her in to emergency surgery and baby Skylar came into the world weighing only 3 pounds.  “I am so very thankful to Allison, my nurse and my hero, who was bold enough to react to her gut feeling and for Dr. Goldstein and an amazing team of physicians and staff for saving our lives.”  #GeisingerStories
Baby - Black and White photo
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