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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

Christine Dorman is an assistant track and field coach at Juniata College. When the 49-year-old decided to get back into competitive running, her new regimen included strength training, “and I hurt myself doing deadlifts at the gym.” She turned to chiropractor Jon Carlson, the first to join Geisinger.

Dr. Carlson helped her identify what she was doing wrong and how to fix it. “He also gave me corrective exercises to help me maintain my mobility and flexibility, which are increasingly important as I get older. Thanks to his techniques and attention, I’ve been able to avoid further injuries.”

Dr. Carlson says he’s not alone when it comes to keeping Christine fast on her feet. “I worked as part of a team with Christine’s personal trainer to improve her gait and overall performance so she can compete at an elite level.”  Thanks to Dr. Carlson, Christine envisions running for at least another 30 years. “I’d like to still be competing when I’m 80 years old. With my commitment to training and Dr. Carlson’s teamwork, I think it can happen.”  
Dr. Carlson provides care for patients at Geisinger Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine at Geisinger Gray’s Woods. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Carlson or any of the orthopaedic providers at Gray’s Woods, call 814-272-6754.

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